You have two choices: sit back and watch as the leaks from within your group escalate, potentially exposing everything—and scrambling to figure out who’s behind it. Or you can prepare to be swept up in a massive scandal that drags you, your superiors, and your financial backers into the spotlight.

We already know which of your colleagues have abandoned ship in disgust. Which one of them is spilling the secrets now? Which one of your current associates is running their mouth?

Yap, yap, rabbit, rabbit.

You’re not going to talk your way out of this one. There’s no escape. No quick fixes. No way to spin this back into your favor. The walls are closing in.

You'll need to tell your story publicly soon. You wont be able to lie, as we have nearly all of the details. Who will go public first? You? Or your superior? TICK TOCK!

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Could you please contact me about this article? David Cartland

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nailed it🎯

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Bottley is now jumping on the climate change bandwagon but is struggling for engagement.


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I think there's probably even more to it, and not just with this group. X still runs a secret mass censorship system it inherited from Twitter. But it doesn't seem to be busybodies at X doing the censorship. Instead, the leading theory for how users get put in the censorship dungeon is abuse of X's reporting system. Any organization with a bunch of fake accounts is probably able to use techniques like mass reporting or mass banning to get their adversaries put in the censorship dungeon, and due to the way the censorship system was written, the victims won't be told what's being done to them. The suppression is not official, but secret.

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Have you looked into Gladio and how the network of Stay-Behind "armies" was used to manipulate the public in NATO nations? The most well known example is probably Italy, where members of Gladio committed acts of terror and actually killed innocent civilians, men, women and children, to further a political agenda. What most still completely underestimate or outright do not get is that these operations were organized by NATO. Then again most also do not know that NATO used Psychological Warfare from very early on and used one of Goebbels best for that: Eberhard "The Eternal Jew" Taubert.

To this day people have a hard time connecting the dots and understanding that what they perceive as reality is one gigantic lie.

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Dec 10
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Adam who?

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Hello, could you please let me know who you are?

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